Good morning, my Jesus.

Lead me, guide me today.

Take me where you want me to be.

I cannot do this on my own anymore.

I am old and feeble,

Forgetful, fearful, and lonely.

The last of my family still living

And alone in this small house.

My children have their own families.

They think of me as an appendage –

Someone to check with on holidays,

Off to the side and unnecessary.

I have some friends, some activities

Still available to me.

I can help others with their needs,

Remaining useful in church and community.

I continue to do what I can

Using my gifts still remaining.

All I really have left is You, O Lord.

I am a part of your beloved family.

It is enough!

About pastelanne

I am a professional artist and art teacher, receiving my formal art education at the Kansas City Art Institute and the University of Arkansas. I taught high school art and humanities, earned a doctorate in secondary education, and with my husband, reared eight children! Even after retirement in 1993, I have continued to teach children, teenagers, and adults as well as studying under well known teachers. My media are pen and ink, watermedia, pastel, and colored pencil. Because of all my experiences and guidance from my teachers and mentors, I have a lot of suggestions, tips, and techniques to share with others. This then is the reason for my blog: to pass on some of this knowledge to other artists and to 'wanna be" artists. I intend to post at least three times a week. The first group will be compositional ideas, the second group will be sketchbook ideas, and the third group will be some tips and techniques in particular media. I sincerely hope you will find some good advice in some of these posts!

Posted on May 24, 2024, in IDEAS. Bookmark the permalink. 6 Comments.

  1. Maryann,

    I know what it is like to be alone, without family and with me dear friends beginning to die. And it is harder to make friends, meaningful connections.

    May God surround you with light and love.


  2. Robert A Spencer

    You not as alone a you think. I met you several years and enjoyed your art and you. Jesus surrounds us with his love. Sometimes it’s a feeling that comes over you when you least expect it. Keep him in your life at all times. I have my days when I have doubts but I never stop loving Jesus. When I awaken every morning I look at a replica of him and it starts my day. Poetry is great to express inner thoughts. I’ve written private poetry for years and enjoy going back to see where my thoughts were on that day. I’ve made it to 86 this years and remain mobile. I do my funky art for fun and give mush of it away. Take care, Robert Spencer

  3. Love you dear friend. 


    div>Your Art Spirit Friend, Charlotte 

    Sent from my iPhone


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  4. Sending you love from Montana, Godmother! I was thinking how nice it would be for Brian and me to stop by and see you on a trip south in the early fall. I appreciate you sharing this authentic prayer; it truly is enough.

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