Basic Drawing Techniques II, a continuation of the drawing class from September-October in 2018, will start on January 9, 2019 at the Maumelle Center on the Lake.  This will be a more advanced class consisting of linear and aerial perspective studies, enlarging from photos, and figure and portrait drawings.  Information will be out soon from the Maumelle Center, but if you are interested, contact me by email or text to get further details. 

Here is an example of a pen and ink drawing accomplished with the knowledge of linear perspective — a good thing to know if you want to further your drawing abilities!

About pastelanne

I am a professional artist and art teacher, receiving my formal art education at the Kansas City Art Institute and the University of Arkansas. I taught high school art and humanities, earned a doctorate in secondary education, and with my husband, reared eight children! Even after retirement in 1993, I have continued to teach children, teenagers, and adults as well as studying under well known teachers. My media are pen and ink, watermedia, pastel, and colored pencil. Because of all my experiences and guidance from my teachers and mentors, I have a lot of suggestions, tips, and techniques to share with others. This then is the reason for my blog: to pass on some of this knowledge to other artists and to 'wanna be" artists. I intend to post at least three times a week. The first group will be compositional ideas, the second group will be sketchbook ideas, and the third group will be some tips and techniques in particular media. I sincerely hope you will find some good advice in some of these posts!

Posted on December 15, 2018, in IDEAS. Bookmark the permalink. Leave a comment.

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